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 MFX replica totals

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Col Posted - 05 Sep 2014 : 22:27:15
Hi Folks ,
A long time ago we had the totals for units sold of the MFX replica items , does anyone have those figures to hand please ??

All the very best

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Liberator Posted - 19 Sep 2014 : 10:08:28
No problem Chris. It's nice to be of help for a change instead of asking the questions!
ChrisB Posted - 16 Sep 2014 : 11:19:14
Thanks for finding Neill's original post Andy. I failed...and just had a printout which was obviously incomplete.

I've updated the list in my first post above
Liberator Posted - 15 Sep 2014 : 09:02:23
Originally posted by hidden-place

From what I remember of the original list from Neil, the de luxe and standard Ood weren't the same number in total...? (I thought the standard was less than the de luxe but can't remember for sure)...

Oops, I didn't spot that the standard and deluxe Ood numbers posted above were the same. Here's Neil's original post, where the number of standard Ood sold is listed as just four!

Originally posted by MONSTERMAKER

Hi everyone

Being the hardcore colelctors you are I thought you might be interested in the final numbers of replicas produced.

Obviously the sonics is 500 and they all sold (and yes I did paint ALL of them........ Crackle hell!!!!)

I think you'll be suprised by some of these numbers but here goes;

Sontarans 13
Davros 19
Cyberman/leader 75
Cybercontroller 44
xmas Cyberleader 5
Clockworg droid 63
Standard ood 4
Deluxe Ood 28
Sycorax 2
Deluxe Sycorax 4
Roboform 9
Auton Male 19
Auton Female 2
White auton male 11
Santa mask 6
Cybershade 10

So there are some VERY rare pieces out there.

Thank you to everyone who did purchase and thank you for the kind comments on the quality. I put a huge amount of effort in to these while we did them.

You can see from the numbers that it wasn't a huge moneyspinner. Ticked over OK but, when you look at the newer items such as Davros and the Sontaran (and let's not mention the Roboform, ahem!) Their sales last year where pretty low. I assume that was a mix of economy and the show being off the air. In addition the Cybermen are so lovely to look at and you can probably convinve the other half that it's nice to ldisplay in the lounge but a Sontaran or Davros just doesn't have the mantlepiece appeal!

hidden-place Posted - 14 Sep 2014 : 16:40:35
From what I remember of the original list from Neil, the de luxe and standard Ood weren't the same number in total...? (I thought the standard was less than the de luxe but can't remember for sure)...
Liberator Posted - 09 Sep 2014 : 12:21:58
DeLuxe Ood totalled 28. I've no idea how many female clockwork droids were sold though I'm sorry to say
hidden-place Posted - 09 Sep 2014 : 08:56:28
DeLuxe Ood and female clockwork droid are missing from the list I think?

I'm sure the Ood total was listed somewhere?
Col Posted - 08 Sep 2014 : 01:48:24
Thanks Chris :-)

That's fab

Col :-)
Mr Saxon Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 18:18:00
wish id had the sense to buy one at the time :(
ChrisB Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 17:53:01
Hi Col,
Happy to help.

Sontarans 13
Davros 19
Cyberman/leader 75
Cybercontroller 44
Xmas Cyberleader 5
Clockwork Droid 63
Deluxe Ood 28
Standard Ood 4
Sycorax 2
Deluxe Sycorax 4
Roboform 9
Auton Male 19
Auton Female 2
White Auton male 11
Santa mask 6
Cybershade 10

Best Wishes

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