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Dalekfan Posted - 26 Sep 2007 : 05:22:16
If you think any 5" figures are becoming scarce or difficult to find, or indeed are discontinued, please post here.

To start the ball rolling: I no longer see the Cyberman WITHOUT gun on the shelves anywhere. Are these discontinued?

Judoon Troopers: can't find these anywhere either, although the Judoon Captain seems plentiful. Perhaps rare because people (like me) are army building?

Captain Jack and Empty Child: I understand that the carded version is now discontinued?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
whotothecore Posted - 15 Feb 2015 : 13:35:13
I've got two of the Time Crash Peter Davison 1/12 Toy fair sets if not already seen on the main collectors page.

Ian Calway Posted - 16 May 2011 : 12:57:25
I havent seen any closed mouth krillitane in both colour varients anywhereperhaps there never to be seen again
Doctor Jas Posted - 09 Sep 2009 : 04:25:10
I've also used Mike's Comics, Mike Salvom is a really nice chap to deal with as well.
Doctor Jas Posted - 08 Sep 2009 : 05:58:40
WhoNA is a good place to get discontinued figures, never had a problem with shipping them from the US, nice people to deal with as well.
Dalekfan Posted - 03 Mar 2009 : 12:37:51
I think we can safely say that both the blue and black Clockwork Robots are now discontinued...although there is of course the rather splendid purplish version in the new wave of figures.
hidden-place Posted - 23 Oct 2008 : 19:06:01
I got a letter from Forbidden Planet saying they'd sold out of this figure and wouldn't be getting any more... though they'd already charged me postage for it as I'd ordered it with another figure and they charged me the shipping costs for two figures although they only actually sent one.
I then received an email from CO saying the figure was a prototype and was never produced... so what FP sold out of, heaven only knows???
Still waiting for them to refund the postage charges... all I can say is I certainly won't be ordering from them again!
Whoviansdelight Posted - 23 Oct 2008 : 07:01:17
Tan Scarecrow was never released. Apparently CO have asked for the figure to be removed but it is still up..
questionmark Posted - 23 Jun 2008 : 14:14:37
i think its a safe bet we will never see this figure again in the shops, then again i could be wrong..

TimelordTaylor Posted - 28 Sep 2007 : 11:43:45
I've not seen the original issue Moxx for yonks. Only ever saw 1 Cassandra/Chip twinpack for sale (which i brought), they don't seem to be in great supply either.
Liberator Posted - 28 Sep 2007 : 09:15:49
Just thought of a couple more:

Cyber Controller (original white eyes release)

Rose and rusty K-9. I've not seen Rose and non-rusty K-9 around lately either come to think of it
alanperciwho Posted - 26 Sep 2007 : 17:18:29
I'm sure I've seen Judoon Troopers and Jack and EC's in TRU in Sheffield, but to be honest I don't really look anymore.
Trevor54 Posted - 26 Sep 2007 : 16:31:11
Woolies and Sainsbury's have them round here.
Dalekfan Posted - 26 Sep 2007 : 11:18:44
Either! Thanks for that info.

Addendum: the Judoon Trooper is NOT in the current wave of Series 3 figures (although the Judoon Captain is), which explains why it's generally absent from the shelves...
Liberator Posted - 26 Sep 2007 : 06:23:21
Are we talking just the figures themselves or the actual releases? If the latter, there's the Sycorax Leader on UK card and Slitheen on card without Space Pig.

If the former:

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